foodyear1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45%
milk10% 11% 11% 12% 13%
meat17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21%
fruit and vege tables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21%
total 10% 100% 100% 100% 100%
according to the above table,we can see that some changes have taken place in people‘s diet since 1986,which clearly indicates the improvement of people’s living standard.
one of the big changes is the decrease of grain consumption with 49 percent in 1986 and 45 percent in 1990.on people‘s dinner tables the traditional dominant food-grain has given some way to milk and meat which were seldom seen on dinner tables before.since the economic reform in 1978,various kinds of food have become popular in chinese families.
however,there is a steady reduction of fruit and vegetables with 24 percent in 1986 and a three point drop by 1990.but this is not the main trend.as the living standard of the chinese people is rising,we look forward to further changes in people‘s diet.the proportion of fruit and vegetables as well as milk and meat will definitely increase in the coming yesrs.
the whole process of summarizing implies an ability to make decisions.you have to decide what the author‘s plan is,how the material has been organized,what the key ideas are,and what material is used merely as example.you will not find the technique of summarizing easy at first because it requires so many decisions.but your efficiency in making summaries,as well as your general reading efficiency,will increase in proportion to the time and effort you spend on perfecting your notetaking technique.
your final summary should reflect clearly and accurately what the author has said.an inaccurate summary may be worse than no summary at all.an effective method of testing the quality of your summary is to set it aside for a month or two and then reread it.if it still recalls the essential information for you and seems to express the material in a clear and exact manner,you have done a good job.if it does not,make another attempt.this time you will do a better job.this method,incidentally,may well be applied to other types of writing.many young writers have been advised to put their material aside for a while.if a piece of writing seems as good a year or two later as the day they finished it,they can begin to feel that it will stand the test of time.the same thing,of course,applies to what someone else has written and you have read.if you think a book you read several years ago was the best you have known,reread it.don‘t be surprised if you find yourself sadly disappointed.
good summaries serve many purposes.everyone,from professional to houseperson,needs and uses them.doctors may have to summarize a report of their findings in a particular case for a medical board.they will have to read the summaries of other doctors and summaries of the latest medical research in their field.lawyers need to prepare a summary,or brief,of their case before they present it in court.their summary usually takes the form of a sentence outline,and many an early career is hurt by an inability to present a clear and accurate brief.a junior executive may write a summary of a long report for the president of the company.electrical engineers will summarize their findings to formulate their plans.a student prepares summaries for use in a term paper.